DANCE MACHINE is a dancing game for older adults. It is being made in collaboration with the PERFORM centre at Concordia and uses the Microsoft Kinect for input.
Games are useful for this demographic insofar they can present surmountable/scalable physical and mental challenges to older adults, which can then lead to physical and cognitive improvements. Games not only can present the proper degree of stress to stimulate learning and development-- they also do so while being fun, which is a motivational game-changer. The key is to make a game for people who would not consider themselves 'gamers'.
Shown at
- PERFORM Institute in Montreal, QC
What I did
- Design, conceptualization
- Unity, C#, modeling in Blender, texturing in Blender and Substance Painter
Nitty Gritty
- Year: 2017
- Material: custom C# code, Unity game engine